HOW TO ORDER: -------------- Mail Order form to Horizon Software 61657 Cedarwood Rd Bend, OR 97702-2024 (503)-317-8741 Horizon BBS (503)-317-8810 EMAIL For COD orders you can leave a message with your name, address, how to ship etc at 503-317-8741 or leave message to SYSOP at Horizon BBS 503-317-8810 Or EMAIL me at specify COD and please include full UPS ship address. ==================================================================== Please send Money Order Only! (no checks, or cash accepted) All COD's will be sent for CASH or Money Order only. ==================================================================== ORDER SETNETS v1.1 -------------------------------------------------------- Name____________________________________________________ Company_________________________________________________ Mail Address____________________________________________ If ordering UPS please give Ship to: UPS address below. UPS Address______________________________________________ City_____________________________________________________ State_______ Zip_________________ Phone___________________ ------------------------------------------------------------- Please send me ______ copy(s) of SETNETS for $12.00 each copy Sorry program only available on 3.5 1.44 disks Ship VIA _____________________ ____Mail 3.00 ____UPS Grd 5.00 ____UPS Blue 9.00 ____UPS Red 12.00 --------------------- ____UPS COD 5.00 (in addition to UPS Cost) --------------------- Total ====================================================================